Winmau Blade 4

The Winmau Blade 4 is a top selling dart board with a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon. It's also a popular competition board and is the board of choice for the Lakeside BDO World Darts Championship.

RRP £41.99, discounted to £18.99 on Amazon

How is a Winmau Blade 4 dart board different to a standard dart board?

There are several different systems used for wiring dart boards but the most common (and cheapest) type that you'll see is a round wired board. In this system, the wires are fastened to the board using staples. Round wire system dart boards generally have more bounce outs than other wire systems due to the thickness of the wires and the staples holding them to the board.

The Winmau Blade 4 utilises a revolutionary new wiring system that dramatically reduces bounce outs and provides the opportunity for maximum scoring potential. The wires themselves are cut into the board which further reduces bounce outs.

How is a Winmau Blade 4 dart board different to a Winmau Blade 3?

The predecessor to the Blade 4, the Blade 3, set the standard as the World's finest staple-free dartboard and the Blade 4 has taken this to a completely new level. The DSW (Dynamic Sector Wire) is now over 50% thinner for best-in-class performance and optimum scoring possibilities. This unique wiring system is constructed from a hi-tech, ultra strong material that is designed to deflect the darts into the target area. The advanced molecular structure of the high tensile steel facilitates total accuracy right across the whole playing surface, whilst lasting even longer.